Quotes From "White Night" By Jim Butcher

But the only way never to do the wrong thing...
But the only way never to do the wrong thing is never to do anything. Jim Butcher
Many things are not as they seem: The worst things...
Many things are not as they seem: The worst things in life never are. Jim Butcher
Regardless of what I think about Islam or Wicca or any other religion, the fact is that it's a group of people. Every faith has its ceremonies. And since it's made up of people, every faith also has its assholes. Jim Butcher
See? This is why I'm not religious. I couldn't possibly...
See? This is why I'm not religious. I couldn't possibly keep my mouth shut long enough to get along with everyone else. Jim Butcher
There was a sound like a human yawn, and then the skull turned slightly toward me and asked, "What's up, boss?"" Evil's afoot."" Well, sure, " Bob said, "because it refuses to learn the metric system. Otherwise it'd be up to a meter by now. Jim Butcher
Don't call me a dinosaur. It isn't fair to the...
Don't call me a dinosaur. It isn't fair to the dinosaurs. What did a dinosaur ever do to you? Jim Butcher
Age is always advancing and I'm fairly sure it's up...
Age is always advancing and I'm fairly sure it's up to no good. Jim Butcher
Everyone is down on pain, because they forget something important...
Everyone is down on pain, because they forget something important about it: Pain is for the living. Only the dead don't feel it. Jim Butcher
But you'd get arguments from all kinds of people that the Bible has got to be perfect. That God would not permit such errors to be made in the Holy Word.""I thought God gave everyone free will. Which would presumably - and evidently - include the freedom to be incorrect when translating one language into another."" Stop making me think. I'm believing over here. Jim Butcher
Knowledge is the ultimate weapon. It always has been.
Knowledge is the ultimate weapon. It always has been. Jim Butcher
There is a primal reassurance in being touched, in knowing that someone else, someone close to you, wants to be touching you. There is a bone-deep security that goes with the brush of a human hand, a silent, reflex-level affirmation that someone is near, that someone cares. Jim Butcher
Loneliness is a hard thing to handle. I feel it, sometimes. When I do, I want it to end. Sometimes, when you're near someone, when you touch them on some level that is deeper than the uselessly structured formality of casual civilized interaction, there's a sense of satisfaction in it. Or at least, there is for me. It doesn't have to be someone particularly nice. You don't have to like them. You don't even have to want to work with them. You might even want to punch them in the nose. Sometimes just making that connection is its own experience, its own reward. . Jim Butcher
Being a wizard gives you more power than most, but it doesn't change your heart. We're all human. We're all of us equally naked before the jaws of pain. Jim Butcher
But… all I said was that I was scared." After what you got to experience? That's smart, kid, " I said. "I'm scared, too. Every time something like this happens, it scares me. But being strong doesn't get you through. Being smart does. I've beaten people and things who were stronger than I was, because they didn't use their heads, or because I used what I had better than they did. It isn't about muscle, kiddo, magical or otherwise. It's about your attitude. About your mind." She nodded slowly and said, "About doing things for the right reasons." You don't throw down like this just because you're strong enough to do it, " I said. "You do it because you don't have much choice. You do it because it's unacceptable to walk away, and still live with yourself later." She stared at me for a second, and then her eyes widened. "Otherwise, you're using power for the sake of using power." I nodded. "And power tends to corrupt. It isn't hard to love using it, Molly. You've got to go in with the right attitude or…" Or the power starts using you, " she said. She'd heard the argument before, but this was the first time she said the words slowly, thoughtfully, as if she'd actually understood them, instead of just parroting them back to me. Then she looked up. "That's why you do it. Why you help people. You're using the power for someone other than yourself. Jim Butcher
Anger is just anger. It isn't good. It isn't bad. It just is. What you do with it is what matters. It's like anything else. You can use it to build or to destroy. You just have to make the choice." Constructive anger, " the demon said, her voice dripping sarcasm. Also known as passion, " I said quietly. "Passion has overthrown tyrants and freed prisoners and slaves. Passion has brought justice where there was savagery. Passion has created freedom where there was nothing but fear. Passion has helped souls rise from the ashes of their horrible lives and build something better, stronger, more beautiful. . Jim Butcher
What is the point of having free will if one cannot occasionally spit in the eye of destiny? Jim Butcher
The wacky thing about those bad guys is that you can't count on them to be obvious. They forget to wax their mustaches and goatees, leave their horns at home, send their black hats to the dry cleaner's. They're funny like that. Jim Butcher
Bring it, Darth Bathrobe! Jim Butcher
People love dogs. You can never go wrong adding a dog to the story. Jim Butcher
[Mouse is] with us. The dog is a handicap-assist animal." The kid lifted his eyebrows." My mouth is partially paralyzed, " I said. "It makes it hard for me to read. He's here to help me with the big words. Tell me if I'm supposed to push or pull on doors, that kind of thing. Jim Butcher